Using Hubot Middleware to Restrict Rooms

Today’s post is a small diversion from the security topic I planned because something came up that I wanted to address first … where hubot could be accessed from. Slack’s Hubot integration creates Hubot as a robot similar to slackbot, except that hubot has to be invited to a channel where slackbot is already listening in every channel. Since Hubot is being used for ChatOps, I want to limit where server commands can be executed. Limiting what channel hubot is in does not work as anyone can invite hubot to a new channel. So the limits need to be within hubot. This could be done on a per command basis, but that complexity and granularity is not needed at this time. So for now it will be a global limit on all hubot commands to certain channels.

Hubot Middleware is the tool for this job. The room limiting logic will be a white list. Any command in a room not on the white list will be silently dropped.

Time for a new file

# Description:
#   Middleware Commands
# Dependencies:
# Commands:
# Notes:

module.exports = (robot) ->

  robot.receiveMiddleware (context, next, done) ->
    room =
    next() if room in ['staging', 'testing'  ]

The receiveMiddleware acts after the listener ( robot.respond, … ) matches but before the body of the listener function executes. It gets the room from the context object and compares it to a list. If there is a match the next() sends the request on to be processed to normally. If it does not match done() silently stops this request and nothing more happens.

A quick test in my local development environment shows a problem. No commands now work. Adding a logging line after the room value is set ( console.log "room = #{room}" ) shows the issue. When using locally, the room is Shell, same as the user name. I could put Shell in the list, but putting in the user name value rather than a fixed Shell will also allow Slack DM to work as Slack Direct Messages also have a room name equal to the user name. Here is the improved middleware.

  # Limit responses to the listed rooms, Shell and Slack DM
  robot.receiveMiddleware (context, next, done) ->
    room =
    user =
    next() if room in ['staging', 'testing', user ]

Done and done. Now even if a user invites Hubot somewhere he should not be, Hubot will not respond.

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